Dr. Kat's Trauma Release Yoga Therapy Wellness Program is an ongoing program beginning with The BASICS. The program is designed to aid in healing trauma, anxiety, chronic stress, and depression. This ongoing holistic program provides education on how trauma affects the brain, body, and behavior; and how yoga, psychotherapy, nutrition, meditation, and other modalities heal trauma allowing for a fuller connection with self and others.
The Trauma Release Yoga Therapy Wellness Program begins with The BASICS Course. This course is taught in 3-hour educational classes for 4 consecutive weeks (Thursdays 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.) along with a weekly 90-minute Trauma Release Yoga Therapy class (Wednesdays 5:30 - 7 p.m.). Additional education and yoga therapy classes are available after the student has completed The BASICS course.
The Trauma Release Yoga Therapy Wellness Program is a closed, private, and confidential group. It is accessible to people of all sizes, shapes, and ranges of flexibility. Group size is limited to 8 participants per course. There are multiple on-going groups.
This is not a class if you are in active trauma.
This is NOT psychotherapy.
May 2020 - on hold due to COVID-19
So many of us have experienced traumatic events in our lives.
These hurtful events can mark our everyday lives with disruptions, such as:
• Sleeping and Eating Disturbances
• Physical Discomfort
• Unexplained Weight Loss and Weight Gain
• Difficulty Making Decisions
• Difficult Interpersonal Relationships
• Difficulty Concentrating
• Constant Anxiety
• Recurrent Depression
• Panic Attacks
• Chronic Stress and Tiredness
• Feelings of Detachment from Life and Others
• Inability to Feel Joy, Peace, and Love
• Confusion as to Your Direction in Life
"We can choose reality - stay with it, be here, show up, be open, turn toward the sights and the sounds and the thoughts that pass through our minds - or we can choose to turn away. But if we turn away, we can pretty much count on staying stuck in the same old pattern of suffering, never getting closer to experiencing wakefulness, never getting closer to experiencing the sacredness of our existence."
Pema Chodron
The First Step is Education
Understanding how trauma has affected our brains and bodies is the first step in understanding how to correct these effects. We will explore research and information regarding:
• How Trauma Affects the Brain Physiology
• How Yoga Can Create New Neural Pathways in the Brain
• How Nutrition Impacts the Brain and Body
• How Meditation and Breathwork Activate Calmness
How Yoga Therapy helps to restore and repair all aspects of One's being
The Second Step is Movement
The type of yoga that Dr. Kat utilizes in the Trauma Release Yoga Wellness program is primarily a Yin-style yoga. This is a very gentle yoga, utilizing props, quietness, breathwork, and meditation to help you reconnect with your self and your body.
The Third Step is Breathing
Breathing in a conscious manner yokes everything together. Paying attention to your breath nourishes your body and your mind. It gently allows you to explore previous anxiety provoking experiences and situations in a calmer manner,
allowing you to stay in control.
Breath is Spirit.
Breath is Life.
The Fourth Step is Nourishment
Learning what foods and substances aid healing and calmness, and which foods and substances contribute to anxiety and depression is key to making healthier choices in our life.
The Fifth Step is Allowing Space for OURSELVES
As the information is explored, as the body is moved, as we reconnect with a Self we may never have known before, we begin to try on these new patterns of behaviors with others. Continuing the process repeatedly, moving deeper into exploration of our self, and learning to love ALL that we are, is to live a new life. This New Life is filled with different choices, greater possibilities, and increased meaning and peace.
When we experience trauma, it affects the neural pathways of our brains. These changes in our brains can lead to disruptions in our behaviors, moods, and ability to think clearly. Often the trauma effects lead to disturbances in sleep, eating, weight, and relationships with others and ourselves. Anxiety, depression, and physical complaints are not uncommon. It is sometimes difficult to have fulfilling relationships, careers, and lives.
New empirical research is showing that YOGA, especially when combined with psychotherapy and lifestyle changes, can heal the effects of trauma in the brain and the body.
Through lifelong study of these and various healing modalities, Dr. Kat has combined psychotherapy, yoga therapy, meditation, and nutrition into a one-of-a-kind program offered in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
This program starts with The BASICS Course offered in 3-hour classes for 4 consecutive weeks. The BASICS Course also includes 4 consecutive weekly 90-minute Therapeutic Yoga classes.
Trauma, Stress, Anxiety, and Depression all impact our:
• Sleep Patterns
• Appetites
• Body Sensations
• Breathing Patterns
• Elimination Processes
• Sex Drives
• Relationships with our Self and Others
• Ability to Think Clearly
• Ability to Accurately Interpret Situations
• Ability to Self-Regulate Our Emotions and Actions
• Ability to Function at a Successful Level at Work, Play, Romantic, and Social Activities
"Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing out, I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment
I know this is a wonderful moment."
Thich Nhat Hanh
"A pearl goes up for auction.
No one has enough, so the pearl buys itself."
Session 1:
* Intro to the Trauma Release Wellness Program
* How Trauma Affects the Brain and Body.
* How Yoga Heals the Brain and Body.
Session 2:
* Breathing & Meditation
* Breathing and the Nervous System
* Mindfulness and Calming the Chaos
* Tonglen Meditation
Session 3:
* Chakras & Group Vocalization
* What are The Chakras?
* Vocalization and the Brain
* AUM for Creating Healing and Peace
Session 4:
* Movement and the Release of Trapped Trauma
* Staying Present
* Yoking the Breath to Create Healing
Session 1:
* Introduction to Breath in the Body
* Yoga for the 1st - Root Chakra/Hips
Session 2:
* Returning again and again to the Present Moment
* Connecting with the Body and the Momentary Experience
* Yoga for the 2nd Chakra/Pelvic Floor
Session 3:
* Coming Home to Your Center
* Connecting with the Sense of Self
* Opening the Heart
* Yoga for the 3rd and 4th Chakras
Session 4:
* Connecting with Your Spirit
* Becoming Meditation
* Yoga for the 5th, 6th, and 7th Chakras
• Sign up for Dr. Kat’s Trauma Release Yoga Therapy Wellness Program ~ The BASICS
• Bring yourself, a journal, and your willingness to heal
• Prepare yourself for a new life
"But closing your heart does not really protect you from anything; it just cuts you off from your source of energy. In the end it only serves to lock you inside."
Michael Singer
"You must bring the unconscious into the conscious. Intensified action brings intensified intelligence."
B. K. S. Iyengar
Yoga Class Dates & Times:
8th, 15th, 22nd, & 29th WED 5:30-7 p.m.
The BASICS Class Dates & Times:
9th, 16th, 23rd, & 30th THURS 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Yoga Class Dates & Times:
5th, 12th, 19th, & 26th WED 5:30-7 p.m.
The BASICS Class Dates & Times:
6th, 13th, 20th, & 27th THURS 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Yoga Class Dates & Times:
7th, 14th, 21st, & 28th WED 5:30-7 p.m.
The BASICS Class Dates & Times:
8th, 15th, 22nd, & 29th THURS 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Yoga Class Dates & Times:
2nd, 9th, 16th, & 23rd WED 5:30-7 p.m.
The BASICS Class Dates & Times:
3rd, 10th, 17th, & 24th THURS 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Yoga Class Dates & Times:
All Classes are CURRENTLY on hold due to COVID-19
2 GREAT bonuses:
* handmade lavender eye pillow, and
* yoga mat.
After AUGUST 1st, the price will revert to the regular price of $750.00.
Weekly installment arrangements can be made with a $100 deposit plus $175 a week [TOTAL $800].
Both of these prices ($750 and installments [$800]) include a free handmade lavender eye pillow.
Dr. Bowie sees Individual patients as her schedule allows. Availability is limited and is by appointment only. Dr. Bowie does not accept insurance.
Dr. Kat offers Yoga Asana Practices in conjunction with her Trauma Release Yoga Wellness Program.
More Yoga Asana Classes will be offered in the future.
"Asanas reflect the art and beauty of the communion of Self with the Universal. They help us release the impediments that shroud the light that is always shining. We are not 'becoming One with' but realizing the Oneness that already is. This is the Union of Yoga."
Rama Jyoti Vernon
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tonglen Meditation Classes will be added to the schedule in the future. Tonglen Meditation is a highly effective Buddhist meditation that is very helpful in reducing symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Anxiety, and Panic Attacks
Classes that Dr. Kat has offered in the past include:
* Healthy Choices for the Diabetic Condition
* Spring Cleaning: Detox, Juicing, and Juice-fasting
* Introduction to Live and Whole Food Living
* Tonglen Meditation
* Living With Grief
* The Widow's Survival Kit
* Living Well ~ The Raw Vegan Series
* Creating a Vision Board for Your Life's Journey
* It's Raw Y'all ~ A Raw Vegan Cooking Series
* Samskara Release Yoga
* The Melding Process: Integrating the Whole Self
* Healing Choices for a Healthy Life
* Holistic Help for Grief and Loss
* Dealing with Holiday Stress, Naturally
* Non-Traditional Reiki I, II, III, and Reiki Master Classes
* Thin From Within
* Indicators of Sexual and Physical Abuse in Children
* Storytelling as a Therapeutic Tool in the Treatment of Children
* Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome – Dementia Complex
* Psychological Aspects of Human Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
* Stress Management and Learning to Relax
* Identifying Child Sexual Abuse
* Holistic Medicine and It’s Application in Psychology
* Holistic Medicine and Its Applications in Chronic Pain Management
* Recognizing Congenital Deficits Attributed to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Abuse or Use of Drugs in Head Start Age Children
* Integration of Light-Body Activation with other Energy Medicine Modalities
* Handling the Everyday Stress of Living with a Mental Disorder
* Natural Treatments for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) for Adults and Children
* Trauma Release Yoga Wellness Program
* The Practical Yoga Sutras of Pantajali
* A Brief History of Yoga and Ancient Yogic Texts
* Teaching Yoga for Trauma and Chronic Stress
* Yoga for Auto-Immune Disorders
* Yoga and the Physiology of Grief
Attending the Samskara Release Yoga Program and working with Dr. Kat was a wonderful experience. She is very knowledgeable and provides easy to follow instructions. I was able to relax quickly. I am forever changed physically and emotionally (for the better!!) because of my work with her. I would recommend her classes to anyone dealing with emotional challenges.
KM Kansas City area
I attended Thin From Within and The Melding Process. Together with my one-on-one sessions with Dr. Kat, I ALWAYS felt seen and heard, accepted and respected, valued and cherished. She brought great personal worth and honored my journey.
CJ Kansas City area
Dr. Kat Bowie is a Clinical Psychologist, Certified Yoga Therapist, Trauma Specialist, Body-Psychotherapist, Non-Traditional Usui Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki Master, Tonglen Meditation Teacher, and Nutritional Consultant. As a Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT), Certified Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance e-RYT 500), and a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Presenter (YACEP), Dr. Kat combines multiple new and ancient modalities of healing to offer a wide and holistic approach to experiencing your life in a new, exciting, peaceful, and clear way. Dr. Kat is a Trauma Release Specialist. Patients from all walks of life with a history of trauma and difficult experiences seek her unique services to help them find meaning, gain clarity, and feel secure in their lives, bodies, relationships, and careers. She is passionate about teaching these resilient people to heal from their trauma and to be able to feel confident, healthy, and free in all aspects of their lives.
“If we allow the pose to follow the breath, we open the inner space for these deep psychic impressions to be released…If the pose follows the breath, we allow the embedded subconscious imprints [Samskara] to emerge to the surface of the conscious mind. When these samskara arise, the invisible becomes visible, making healing and transformation possible.”
Rama Jyoti Vernon
I wish you Blessings of Peace and I hope that you will join me in a journey to free yourself from the confining symptoms of trauma and chronic stress.
There are ways out.
Online Learning coming soon!
Peace is Within.
Please contact us with questions.
8301 State Line Road, Kansas City, Missouri 64114, United States (Suite #110)
Hours for Individual Therapy and Yoga Therapy are by appointment only.
Trauma Release Yoga Wellness Program hours are 3-hours per week (lecture) and 90-minutes a week (yoga) for 4 consecutive weeks. These are offered on a specific schedule.